Monthly Archives: January 2022

A Word about Elulsfsf
August 27, 2021

Rosh Chodesh Elul-the New Month for the 6th month of the Jewish calendar It is upon us. The ‘scariest’ month of the year. They say, just a few generations back, people regarded this month with trepidation. The Yom Ha’din-the Day of Judgement- is upon us. Two days that decide our entire year. The question on everyone’s mind is how to get

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August 27, 2021

This week’s parsha (Torah portion of the week)-Ve’etchanan- the name of which means Tefilah (prayer), teaches us the proper way to pray. There are four conditions necessary in order for Tefilah to be accepted: One must approach prayer as a pauper knocking upon the door of a potential benefactor, realizing that he is totally dependent [

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Thank you from Rabbi Czapnik
August 27, 2021

Greetings JLE Friends! I want to thank everyone who participated in our Mega Raffle Fundraiser. It was very heartwarming to see the amount of people who came forward in a show of support for the Jewish Learning Exchange. We not only met our initial goal— we exceeded all expectations thanks to everyone’s involvement.

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The Fast of Tammuz & The 3 Weeks
August 27, 2021

Today Tuesday, July 11th, is the fast of the 17th day of the Hebrew month of Tammuz and the beginning of the “Three Weeks”. Positive commandment instituted by the prophets to fast (not consume any food or drink) on days in which tragedies befell the Jewish People. Main purpose: to inspire us to repent our negative...

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Another Small Act of Chesed
August 27, 2021

Everyone needs a compliment. Take a look at your surroundings and pick out the people that you feel always have it together. Know this: Even the most successful people need an encouraging word, reassurance that they are terrific. It is a wonderful thing you can do for someone. And the more you think the person...

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Support JLE! Buy a raffle ticket!
August 27, 2021

Dear JLE Friends & Supporters, At the Jewish Learning Exchange, people come to pray, learn and grow in their Judaism. Our full schedule of classes are relevant to daily life and appropriate for the broad spectrum of people with various backgrounds who are looking to grow in their commitment and knowledge of Judaism. In addition...

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Support JLE! Buy a raffle ticket!
August 30, 2021

Dear JLE Friends & Supporters, At the Jewish Learning Exchange, people come to pray, learn and grow in their Judaism. Our full schedule of classes are relevant to daily life and appropriate for the broad spectrum of people with various backgrounds who are looking to grow in their commitment and knowledge of Judaism. In addition...

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